SF Malika Moniet
Dam: AK Mona Moniet
Dam Line: OM Dalal / Moniet El Noufous / Wanisa
Sire: TheEgyptianPrince
Sire Line: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic
Bred by Suwannee Farm Arabians, and born 4/24/1987, TheEgyptianPrice daughter Malika Moniet was the original foundation mare purchased by Alexander Arabians to begin their breeding program in 1995. Malika was bred to The Minstril and the foal was greatly anticipated. Tragically, Malika and her foal died 2 weeks before the foal’s birth. Malika suffered massive liver failure and could not sustain her pregnancy through birth. Although we had her only 9 short months, Malika started Alexander Arabians, and her legacy will always be treasured.